I run for my health, I run for my family. I run for the wind in my face, the cold air in my lungs and the fiery burn in my legs. I run for friends and family that have passed and will never feel that sense of accomplishment again. I run for the paralyzed and amputees that would give up everything to use my legs for one last run. I run for the sick and weak who pray for enough strength to get out of bed everyday. I run because I never know when it will be my last.


In the high country
Running technique #1
Running technique #2
Running technique #3
Kilian's Quest
Ultra running #1
Ben Davis (Do Life)
Hood to Coast Trailer
Run pharm boy run
Hydration pack
Uphill running
Are we "born to run"
Tarawera Ultramarathon
Grand Teton Run
Kilimanjaro Run (KJ)
Mt. Hood 50 (2012)
Team Hoyt
Running Inspiration
Ginger Runner

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