I run for my health, I run for my family. I run for the wind in my face, the cold air in my lungs and the fiery burn in my legs. I run for friends and family that have passed and will never feel that sense of accomplishment again. I run for the paralyzed and amputees that would give up everything to use my legs for one last run. I run for the sick and weak who pray for enough strength to get out of bed everyday. I run because I never know when it will be my last.

Sunday, August 18, 2013

WEEK #12 RECAP (Light Week)

Weekly Mileage: 19.67

Monday Rest Day

Tuesday Rest Day (by Tuesday I felt pretty good after the heavy mileage of the previous weekend)

Wednesday my first run since the weekend went well, I took it very easy to test out the legs and got in 4.10 miles at a pace of 8:57, still felt a little fatigued but no pain or issues. I did this run at night and realized I enjoy running in the morning so much more than at night. The fresh cool air, empty stomach and lack of tiredness from the day make it so much easier to accomplish.

Thursday  Rest Day

Friday I went out in the morning and got in 5.56 miles at a 9:17 pace. Things felt good but I am not feeling as refreshed as I would like for how easy I have taken the week. I am going to play the next week or so by ear leading into Hood to Coast and get in my runs but not worry about the exact mileage so much in hopes to get refreshed before the weekly mileage really starts to pile up again.

Saturday Rest Day (we took the kids to the Clackamas County Fair as Beth didn't have to work until later that night it was nice to have a Saturday morning to enjoy with the family but I could feel that not running was definitely wearing on me and I was a "little" grouchy through out the day)

Sunday I went out for my long run of the week I planned out a 15 miler but ended it after 10. Physically I could have kept going but my calves and quads were feeling pretty tight and my right ankle had some pain. Again I am trying to stick with a strategy over the next week or so to really listen to my body and take it easy so I am prepared for the last month of heavy mileage leading into the race.

*I plan on mixing in some cross-training via P90X in the next couple of weeks to help strengthen my core and keep up my fitness while I give my legs a little bit of a rest with some lower mileage in hopes to feel ready for the push of September. That being said I am still on pace for my largest monthly mileage yet (by almost 20 miles) for the month of August.

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