I run for my health, I run for my family. I run for the wind in my face, the cold air in my lungs and the fiery burn in my legs. I run for friends and family that have passed and will never feel that sense of accomplishment again. I run for the paralyzed and amputees that would give up everything to use my legs for one last run. I run for the sick and weak who pray for enough strength to get out of bed everyday. I run because I never know when it will be my last.

Monday, October 28, 2013

Week #22 (Autumn Leaves Race Report)

Weekly Mileage: 55.54

Wednesday was a light 4+ mile stretch run to keep the legs fresh before race day.

Friday was carbo load day (just about the best part of training for a race) it also happened to fall on our monthly birthday party for work (the theme was Thanksgiving Food). I ate multiple rolls, mashed potatoes, stuffing and pie, pie and more pie. This worked out so well as it allowed me to stuff myself with high carb foods earlier in the day instead of late that night and then just eat a nice pasta & shrimp dinner before heading to bed. I also picked up my race number on my way home from work and received #11 (spontaneously) my favorite number since I can remember (this was a good omen for sure) My sister-in-law Heather came over that night to stay with our kids since we had to leave about 5:45 Saturday morning. Unfortunately her daughter Brynne broke her wrist that day in an epic P.E. collision, but they still came over (very appreciated).

Saturday Beth and I got up just before 5:00 am and started getting ready, I had trouble getting all of my breakfast down, not sure if it was nerves or the lunch feast I ate the day before (I didn't feel nervous). We left the house at 5:45 and arrived at the pitch black park at 6:20 am. I felt a little rushed as I tried to get everything together and 7:00 was approaching soon, the good thing about that is it didn't leave me with much time to get nervous. Our friends/pacers Ian & Mindy Durias showed up a few minutes before the start and before I knew it we were off.

I started the race listening to some random music following my headlamp as the sun would not rise for about 45 minutes. I started near the back of the pack (129 runners 65-50k runners and 64-50 mile runners) I was moving through the pack pretty quickly and kept trying to find a person or two I could follow at a good pace. That early on most were going to slow until I finally found myself behind a younger lady and older man running and talking together. They seemed to be running at about a 9:00 minute mile pace which was exactly what I was planning on trying to keep for as long as I could, so I hunkered down behind them and followed their lead for about 4 miles or so. Once the sun came out (with plenty of welcomed clouds) it was much easier to see and the headlamp & gloves were no longer needed. I finished the first 6.25 mile loop (actually about 6.5 mile loop more on that later) feeling really good and ready to accomplish this goal today!                              
I grabbed a few fig newtons and a filed up water bottle from my "crew"and headed out for the second loop. I changed my ipod from music to the audiobook "Dad is Fat" by the comedian Jim Gaffigan this was a great choice as the book was funny and all about parenting, it lasted just over 5 hours and I finished the entire thing while I ran. Things continued to go well until I was finishing up the 3rd loop around mile 20 when my left knee started to feel some pain and pressure. This was not an unfamiliar pain as I have experienced it in my   last few long training runs so I knew I could run with it but what I didn't know was for how long. When I got back to the staging area I rubbed some icy hot on it grabbed a few more fig newtons and headed out again. 

Loop 4 was probably the hardest loop as I was in a decent amount of pain due to the knee and knew I still was not even half way done, I also was a bit annoyed as I realized the route was a bit long measuring almost a 1/4 mile longer than stated (this is not uncommon to make sure everyone gets in the distance or even a little more rather than a little less especially if trying to qualify for some other race) I did the math having to run the route 8 times and figured out I would be running about 51.5 miles! I wasn't to excited about that but the negative thoughts were very fleeting I was able to stay positive and keep moving. I did have to start walking on the up hills as that's where my knee pain was most prevalent. When I finished the 4th loop I got some more icy hot on my knee threw down a few ibuprofen and was encouraged by my "crew" that I just had one more loop by myself and then they would start running with me. However before I left my friend Ian noticed a large round stain on my blue running jacket near my right chest area. He asked if that was an old stain I looked down said no I hadn't noticed it before and checked to make sure I wasn't having any chaffing issues. I hadn't felt any discomfort and when I did a quick check realized my race number a burnt orange color had just bled from the sweat through my jacket.

 After that pit stop and check over I was off again. A mile or so in I decided to check on the stains origin one more time only to realize I was bleeding, yep bleeding from my right nipple through my shirt, through my race number and through my jacket. Wow I thought how could this happen without any pain whatsoever. I thought about back tracking to change my shirt and get some Vaseline but decided to risk it, keep moving forward and hope they had something at the aid station about another mile away. Luckily for me they had some Vaseline and it was enough to get me through the rest of that loop. That loop (loop 5) went well as I was in less pain probably thanks to the ibuprofen and excited to have some friends run with me for the rest of the race. I also felt I was over the halfway mark and starting to make some real headway towards accomplishing this. I finished leg 5 switched out my shirt, my shoes and lost the jacket, got new refilled water bottles and applied some Vaseline. I was ready to start loop 6 where Mindy would be running with me and figured being a Red Sox fan this was my "Curt Schilling" moment.
As I took off on loop number 6 hoping to find Mindy as she had left early to try and catch up with me
 (she was cold and trying to warm up and also I'm sure very anxious and bored of sitting around watching people compete in something) I realized that in all the nipple attention I had forgotten to apply any icy hot to my left knee. This was by far the biggest mistake I made in the race as the knee gave me more problems but having Mindy there was a huge help. It pushed me to keep running as much as possible and we discussed how I felt really good. My energy hadn't wavered since the start of the race, I was now about 7 hours in and I felt like I had been running for maybe 4. Cardio wise I felt like I could continue forever, I had no real fatigue and was still running well. Other than my knee issue I was in a great place physically and mentally and talking about the positive place I was in with Mindy really helped to stay there and make the time pass on faster. 
After finishing the 6th loop I got to my much anticipated (and new best friend) icy hot and Mindy switched out for her husband Ian so he could run loop number 7 with me. We talked again about how good I felt and how I couldn't believe that I hadn't hit any type of wall physically or mentally and Ian kept referring to my training really working. See the thing is with a race this long you only train to about 35 miles so you don't know how your body will react for those last 15 miles as you have never experienced it before. Luckily for me not only did things go well but I was feeling better than I had in most of my long training runs. I was feeling full of energy and even  though my knee was giving me issues and by this point causing me to walk any up or down hill I was totally cognizant in a positive place and knew it was now just a matter of time. 

As Ian and I finished loop number 7 my Mom, Sister and Casto had arrived along with Allie and the twins. I knew in the back of my mind they should be there by now but hadn't thought much about it until approaching the staging area. It was so great to see all the kids and Allie holding up a sign, it was great to have the support of my family there. I knew they would be sitting there for another hour or so until I actually finished and felt a little guilty about that but appreciated it all the more knowing they were there to support me. I made quick pit stop changed shoes again and traded Ian in for Beth. I was excited to run this last loop with her as she has been my biggest supporter through the last 5 months. To be honest I signed up for this race without asking/telling her until I had already done it and the amount of time that has been sacrificed has been difficult. She has been a great support through it all and I was happy to share the last hour running alongside her. (honestly an hour together without any screaming kids is a treat even if it was the 9th straight hour of exercise).

We took off and she kept asking me what I needed. I wasn't really sure as I was surprisingly still feeling really good and wanted to just keep moving forward and run as much as my knee would allow so I could get to the end and celebrate with everyone. Ian & Mindy anxious to run some more (I'm not the only crazy one believe me) decided to run the course backwards and catch up with us so they could run the last mile or so to the finish with us. They caught us and all 4 of us began running the last mile or so to the finish line. That last mile I thought about how I expected to be more emotional towards the end of this race but I also expected to have to go through a deep low and pull myself out at some point during the race. I had experienced that in much shorter runs and just thought it as part of the territory. I think the ease of the run and the day (the weather was overcast and absolutely perfect) pretty much lead to that low never happening. The race atmosphere, great people and amazing support from not only family & friends that were there but all of you that have kept me going through this challenge took away any of that negative energy that would pull someone down to a place where they would question there ability to finish. I ran hard that last mile and sprinted with everything I had left up the last hill to the finish line. I was greeted by my family and other racers and couldn't believe the day was over. Honestly I felt so good and encouraged I kinda felt like going for a run :)    

If you look closely on this photo you can see the previously mentioned right nipple stain.
"Pacers" Ian & Mindy pretending to be tuckered out.
My mom looks proud and my sister just looks nervous. lol
 The Best Crew Ever!
Me and Allie right after the race

 The coveted belt buckle.

All in all I finished pretty close to what I had expected even with the knee issues. 46 of the 65 runners finished the race and I placed 20th overall.

Thanks again to everyone for all the support and keep your eyes open for the next adventure!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Week #21 (Taper Week)

For those of you that aren't familiar with the term "taper" it is the time before a race when your training s finished and you lighten the workload in an effort to be fresh going into your race. Usually a week or two, for a 50 miler most people suggest three to four weeks of tapering but with the way things worked out I am only able to get two weeks in. I'ts probably all for the better as I get pretty stir crazy during "taper" weeks anyways.

Weekly Mileage: 16.45

Monday Rest Day

Tuesday was an early morning run, I wanted to keep it short and just stretch out my legs as I was still a little sore from Saturday's 30 miler. I ended up getting in a very cold 3.30 miles at a 8:26 pace but am not sure it accomplished what I was hoping as it was so cold I didn't get much of a stretch.

Wednesday Rest Day

Thursday I got up early nervous about the temperature again but it actually was much warmer. I woke up not feeling good as I started to have a fever and the dreaded "yellow snot" was back again. I knew I probably shouldn't run especially with the high likely-hood my sinus infection from a few weeks ago may be coming back but I am so tired of being sick and having things getting in the way of my training I had to get out there. I just don't have time left to miss any training sessions.

Friday Rest Day (by the end of the night I actually began feeling much better)

Saturday I woke up and left the house for my run at the same times as I will next week for my race. I wanted my body to get used to the routine and also wanted to note the temperature and daylight so I would know what to expect next Saturday. The temperature at 7:00am was COLD, much colder than during the week at 4:30am and the sun didn't rise until close to 8:00am. This was a good experience as I will make sure I am prepared for that type of cold next week (my hands were like frozen slabs of meat for most of the run). I ended up running just over 8 miles at a 8:46 pace and everything went well other than the cold.

Sunday Rest Day

*Going into "Race Week" I definitely feel like my training could have been better and my nutrition and weight are not where I wanted them to be however I also feel pretty confident about the race. I have great people supporting me from afar and there on race day and mentally I feel prepared. I can't believe after 5 months the week is finally here, I am nervous and excited and to be completely honest really ready for it to be over :)

Monday, October 14, 2013

Week #20 (Home Stretch)

Weekly Mileage: 35.72

Monday Rest Day

Tuesday Rest Day

Wednesday I went out for my first morning run in the new neighborhood, it was pretty dark out and I was glad my feet are trained to react quickly because as I ran on some bumpy/broken sidewalks there were many moments that my feet had to react to something my eyes couldn't see. I ran 5.5 miles at a 8:30 pace, it felt comfortable and easy very little issue with my left knee that had been bugging me.

Thursday (unscheduled) Rest Day

Friday Rest Day

Saturday was the big day, I planned to get in one last long run for training before starting to taper for the race. I felt a lot of pressure to really get in some good mileage as my long runs have left me with a lack of confidence lately. I felt I needed to prove to myself that I was still in race shape and I could mentally push past the discomfort it will take to finish the race. My goal was at least 30 miles and maybe upwards of 35 if all went well. I decided to solicite for some help as I planned to run a 6 mile loop around my new neighborhood 5 to 6 times and figured it was a good opportunity to run with some friends as my long runs don't usually lend themselves to that luxury.

Ryan showed up at 6am and we took off for the first loop, his personal best for distance was 6.26 and he asked how far we were going, I told him it should be a little under 6 miles and he seemed comfortable with that. This was a new route for me and it was very dark out so Ryan and I passed one of our turns. Before we noticed we had added an extra mile each way. I told Ryan well I guess you'll run a new personal best today as long as you make it back. He did great finishing 7.77 miles with me (he had plenty of energy to spare) and I minded him that the two skills I was forced to lose back in my personal trainer days were any sense of direction and the ability to accurately count to ten.

I ran the next loop solo and it went by quickly as it was shorter than the first since I stuck to the original route. After that I stopped by a good friend/co-worker/new neighbors house (Audri) so she could run the 3rd loop with me. She had recently twisted her ankle and this would be her first run on it in almost a week. We started out great but after a decent sized hill she started to really feel some pain so we decided to cut it short and head back to her place, before we got there though she wanted to keep running and so we looped around the neighborhood a few times completing almost 5 miles.

As these two were the only friends I could sucker into giving up their Saturday morning to run with me I was now back on my own after 19 miles with at least 11 to still go. Honestly thou I felt really good, mentally the early miles had gone by so easy (thanks in part to the company) that now I was two thirds done and the only thing that was a struggle was some pain in my left knee and calf cramps. Thankfully Audri had a tube of spare icy hot as mine is still packed in a box somewhere.

I finished up the rest of the run feeling pretty strong and finished it out after 30.22 miles averaging a 9:49 pace. I was hopping to add another few miles but really started to feel it in my left knee heading down hill on the last mile, so I decided its still training and to play it safe. Overall I feel pretty good about the last 5 months of training and now it's time to take it easy, stay loose and prepare for race day.

Sunday Rest and Eat Day

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Week # 19 (Is it over yet?)

Weekly Mileage: 33.16

Monday I went for a run in the morning I got in 4.06 miles at an 8:34 pace, it felt alright but I was still experiencing a lot of stiffness and an almost swollen type feeling around my left knee and hamstring. It doesn't impair my running but makes me nervous that it will get worse before the race or become an issue during the race.

Tuesday Rest Day (kind of)

Wednesday Rest Day (kind of)

Thursday Rest Day (kind of)

Friday Rest Day (kind of)

This week has been.... Well the word "busy" doesn't do it justice. Between work, packing and moving, recovering from sicknesses something had to give and unfortunately this week it was running. if eel like it is going to come back to bite me during my race as after the lay off because of the sinus infection and now this I feel as if I have taken 3 steps backwards in my readiness when I should be feeling  my strongest and putting in my largest training miles before tapering for the race.

Saturday I ran around the new neighborhood (Gladstone) and was hoping to run a 5mile loop 4 times during my first loop the pain in my left knee area was pretty bad and it felt pretty difficult altogether. I wasn't sure how much I could really get done and after the first loop I decided to switch my shoes. Within the first few steps of the second loop my knee felt fine, I realized at that moment that all the runs I have been feeling this knee issue have been with my latest pair of shoes ( a different brand than my typical Brooks Pure line). I don't think the shoes caused the issue and it is still there without them, but the new shoes are aggravating it for sure.

The run still felt difficult though and I ended up getting in just over16 miles at a 9:10 pace. I planned on running another decent run on Sunday and hoped I could get out more miles then.

Sunday I went out for another run and it was pretty warm out,I wasn't very sore from Saturday but within 3 miles I felt tired and done. The good news is I pushed myself as far as I could, the bad news is it was only 13 miles. I keep waiting for it to get easy and and to feel strong and confident again but it isn't here yet. hopefully it will come within the next week as it is my last real training week before I need to taper for the race.

Note: I was very proud and inspired by my friend Ian who finished the Portland Marathon this weekend. I haven't heard all the details but it sounds like it was a grind but he got it done and I hope to do the same at the end of this month.

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Week #18 (Back at it)

Weekly Mileage: 22.67

Monday I ran 5.14 miles at a 8:46 pace, I had wanted to go a little further but it was early morning and the weather was off and on monsoon style rain. I was wearing a tank top and decided to cut it a bit short as I was still trying to recover from last weeks sinus infection. This was actually the first day I started to feel better after about 10 days of sickness.

Tuesday Rest Day

Wednesday Rest Day

Thursday I ran again in the morning and only had time to get in 4.06 miles at a 8:23 pace. I am still feeling pretty weak and nervous about some pain I am having in my left knee I figured Saturday's long run would be a good test and let me know how my knee will hold up and how my fitness felt

Friday Rest Day

Saturday I woke up early to hear the rain absolutely pouring down in buckets, I was not looking forward to spending the next couple of hours running in that weather. I finally decided to hit the gym and run on the treadmill, for how much I despise running on the treadmill I figured this would be a nice break from the rain and a more comfortable way to get the miles in.

That thought process lasted less than an hour before I packed up my stuff through on my jacket and hit the road to fight through the rain and the wind. The weather was pretty brutal but compared to the treadmill I felt like I was in paradise. I ended up getting 13.5 miles in the longest I have ran in 3 weeks and overall it felt pretty good. I still feel pretty weak and need to get mentally stronger early on in my long runs but my knee gave me very little issues and I felt recovered by the next day.

This next week will be a big mileage week (my last of 2) hopefully I can start to feel strong again and feel ready for the race on October 26th.

Sunday Rest Day

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Week #17 Recap (Warning! It's Boring)

Weekly Mileage: 4.16

Monday Sick

Tuesday Sick

Wednesday Sick

Thursday Sick (Got antibiotics for Sinus Infection)

Friday Sick

Saturday Sick

Sunday I was still not feeling well but I told myself I had to run by Sunday no matter how I felt, basically I am running out of time to finish up my training (including my two last big mileage weekends) and a decent taper before the race. The weather was rainy, windy and muggy and my head still felt like a huge balloon plus my sinuses were somehow plugged and runny at the same time. I got just over 4 miles in at around an 8:25 pace per mile and it took everything I had.

Somehow during my 10 days off from running because of the sickness (the longest break I have had in about 10 months) I have developed an injury. My left leg around the back of my knee and on my upper calf has become very sore during my time off, the best way to describe it is like my ligaments surrounding my knee are fatigued. Not sure how taking time off could cause this issue but when I ran I felt it being very sensitive and am very nervous about putting it to the test next Saturday with a 35 mile training run.

There has been allot of ups and downs during this training (especially lately) and I am definitely at the bottom of another hill looking up (when you feel wiped out running 4 miles running 50 feels so daunting). They say "life imitates art" and I think "training imitates the race" so I have to assume that my training is preparing me for the challenge ahead not just physically but mentally.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

One More Thanks!

I wanted to say thank you one more time to everyone who sponsored me in my effort to raise money for Compassion International. The final count has been done and with some generous matching and very generous people our Hood to Coast team raised $5,831 for the water of life effort in impoverished Countries.

That money will provide 71 million gallons of water or to think about it in another way, clean water for 71 communities. Great job everyone and thanks for helping make such a big difference.

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Week #16 Recap

Weekly Mileage: 9.97

Monday Rest Day

Tuesday Rest Day

Wednesday I got out there early and ran 5.60 miles at an average pace of 9:23. It is getting darker and darker each morning at 4:30 making it more difficult to see. I took it easy on my pace since the visibility was low also my muscles weren't very sore but felt heavy and tired for sure.

Thursday I got up early again and put in 4.37 miles at an average pace of 9:09 the run felt better than the day before as my muscles were one day further from the 32 miler last Sunday and a little stretched out from Wednesday's run. I was feeling extremely tired though, I went to bed early that night but can't seem to get enough sleep I also feel like I may be fighting off a cold or something.

Friday I was supposed to get up early for a circuit training workout but I opted for some extra sleep as the day went on I kept feeling the cold coming on and then going away but each time it came back it was a little stronger. By that night there was no denying it, a full blown cold had developed I was glad I had Saturday planned as a Rest Day and figured I would be o.k. to run on Sunday.

Saturday I was wrong! I woke up feeling pretty horrible and it did not get any better during the day

Sunday I hoped I would be on the other side of the mountain but it only got worse since Saturday. It has turned in to a cold/flu hybrid and I am really frustrated with myself for not eating better over the last week because I think I could have avoided catching this bug if I had. At this point I have to just play it by ear as I have a 35 mile run planned for next Saturday, we'll see how things progress and hopefully I will be ready to take on that challenge by next Saturday.

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Week #15 Recap

Weekly Mileage: 43.19

Monday Rest Day

Tuesday Rest Day

Wednesday I mixed in a hour long full body workout early in the morning. I am going to mix this in more during September since my weekend runs are so long. I will replace some of the weekday runs with these workouts to give my legs a little extra rest. I was more sore than I expected the rest of the week after actually working these muscles I have ignored for awhile.

Thursday I got up in the morning before work and ran 7.06 miles at a 9:22 pace it was a good easy run but I definitely noticed the summer is coming to an end as it was much darker at 4:30 that morning than it has been through most of the summer.

Friday I planned to get up in the morning and get another full body workout in but when I awoke I heard the rain coming down and even though I was going to work out in the garage it was just enough to push me back into my warm bed. Of course I regretted that decision during the day and hoped I could sneak a quick run in after work before Beth and I went out for dinner.

To take a quick step back and to give some insight into how my brain works, a few days before I was thinking about Beth's upcoming 5k she had planned for Saturday (The Color Run) and wondering if she had a goal for the race, this lead to me thinking about what my next goal should be for a 5k (my last 5k I ran was on 7/4 and I set a new PR with 21:45) I decided I would really like to run a 5k in under 20:00 minutes but I would have to wait until next summer to put in some specific speed training and sign up for a race to give it a go.

Fast forward up to Friday again and Beth says "ya it's fine if I sneak in a quick run before we go out for dinner" I figure I just have time for 3 or 4 miles and then think well since I am going to run around 3 miles and a 5k is 3.1 miles why wait till next summer lets just take care of that 20:00 goal right now. I take off east on sunnyside and start pushing the tempo I realize right away this is probably not a good idea with a 32 miler planned for Sunday but I can't stop now that it's in my head. I run the first 2 1/2 miles right around the pace I need to be at but the tempo and decent hill right in the last stretch was a little to much for me. I finished the 3.1 mile run in 20:58 a 6:46 pace not my goal but I was pretty happy with the effort. I ran another mile to cool down and stretch out before we left for the night.

Saturday Rest Day-got to bring the kids down to PIR to support Beth and some of her co-workers in the Color Run it was a fun experience and she did great.

Sunday I realized if you ever want to question your sanity just wake up at 4:00am on a weekend so you can get out the door by 5:00 to put in over 5 hours of exercise. Oh and make it on the first weekend of the NFL this should get someone to commit you. I had planned out this race as a good test and training run for my Ultra in that I mapped out a loop around my neighborhood that would bring me to my house in just over 10 miles. I would stop by my house like an aid station to refill water bottles and use the bathroom before heading out again ultimately completing the loop 3 times. My Ultra is a 10k loop that I will have to run 8 times and each time I will be back at the starting/finish line having to leave again so I figured I need to train for the mental toughness to leave each time even when I get to the easiest physical place to stop.

The run itself went pretty well it started of dark and cool but before my first loop was done the sun had started to rise and it began to warm. I got to the house and the family was still in bed which was a bonus because I was already fighting the wanting to quit bug and knew seeing them would make it that much harder. I took off again and the weather got warmer about half way through, by the time I got to my house for the second time my plan was to tell Beth right away to not let me stay as it would be so easy to sit on my couch and get ready for football. When I arrived they weren't home they had all left somewhere so I made my pit stop and got back out on the road my body was getting beat down by this point and it was getting very warm out but knowing I only had one loop left and remembering the lessons I learned from last week   (I re-read them myself that morning) fueled me through and I finished!!!

There was a tough spot from miles 16-19 and the last two miles were also difficult but overall the difficulty was 90% physical struggle and only 10% mental which was a nice change from my last couple long runs.

The Secret  

I’m not as confident as I seem

But the road doesn't know that

It simply is

Hard and smooth beneath my shoes

As I start my morning run 

I’m not as sure as I seem

But the road doesn't know that

It Stretches out before me

Like a string of unbroken promises

A morning just ready to begin

I’m not as strong as I seem

but the road doesn't know that

It waits for me like a familiar friend

Nonjudgmental, yet


I hurt, I ache, I mourn

but the road doesn't know that

Nor does it care

It simply is

every day the same, a constant star

This I know for sure

I can’t go any farther

But the road doesn't know that

It beckons me on, encouraging me

to break my record

Test my limits

Prove to myself I can do better

That’s the secret

between the road and I

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Week #14 Recap (I QUIT)

Weekly Mileage: 40.67

Monday Rest Day

Tuesday Rest Day

Wednesday was my first run since Hood to Coast I decided to take 3 days off and take it easy during the week wanting to ensure I would feel good for the heavy mileage I had planned for the weekend. I got 5.57 miles in that morning at a 8:53 pace and felt pretty good, it was muggy but I felt great at work that day and was glad I got up and put in the effort.

Thursday Rest Day

Friday Rest Day

Saturday the plan was to run a "self marathon" (26.2) miles and then follow it up with a 10 mile run on Sunday. The night before I was not really looking forward to it, just feeling unmotivated, uninspired and not even sure where I was going to go. I woke up that morning at 6:00am (about an hour later than I wanted to) and decided to run the 205 bike path to the springwater trail west and back. I took off just before 7:00am and it was already a little warm but my legs felt pretty fresh and I had an ipod filled with new ultrarunner podcast interviews to listen to.

The run was going decent until about 10 miles in when I started to feel pretty tired. My toes were in pain, my calves were starting to ache and I was feeling an overall fatigue; not a great place to be with 16 miles left to go. I continued on heading west and it continued to get warmer out, I made it to the 13 mile point (about 2 miles past Oaks Park) and I was not in the best of places. I had to sit down right on the trail and take of my sock as I was certain one of my toenails (the one that had been bothering me from hood to coast and subsequently turned black) had fallen completely off and was rattling around loose in there. I checked to find it was still attached but was raised from a large blister surfacing underneath it causing it to catch on the fabric of my sock as I ran.

Too Much Information Warning:

A this point I also realized I had not had to pee yet which for me is very unusual. I decided to chug the water I had left and make a quick pit stop at a convenience store in Sellwood to refill my bottles. After doing this I felt slightly refreshed and ready to head home. Unfortunately this feeling of contentment (I can't call it good) was VERY temporary. My calves began to ache with every step and my quads felt incredibly heavy, my will quickly followed this physical downward slide and I found myself walking. I was about 16 miles in when I decided to quit, quit this particular run (I would ask someone to borrow their cell phone and call Beth to come get me) quit running all these long and painful runs, quit this stupid endeavor of training for such an incomprehensible race of 50 miles. I wrote it all off I mean how could I expect myself to run 50 miles when 16 was about to bring me to my knees. I thought about how my nutrition could be better, how I should have stretched more this week and how I haven't got the sleep my body needs to recover, but most off all I thought about how I could get out of the undoubtedly upcoming 10 hours of pain I would have to endure trying to run 50 miles. What had made me think I could do this, how egotistical and stubborn must I be to think I could go from not running at all to running 50 miles in a 16 month period.

Through these thoughts I continued to run and walk, I thought maybe the race director would let me switch my registration from the 50 miler to the 50k. I thought about every reason why I should get out of this and get out now, how much easier it would be and how nice it would be to not feel this pain anymore, but I continued moving. I pushed up a few big hills feeling more inspired as I got closer to home only to feel more exhausted causing me to walk again. Finally I arrived home I had made it just over 25 miles and it had taken me over 4 hours and 21 minutes (22 minutes longer than my first marathon (26.2) in April). See I wasn't getting any better, things were only getting harder and by late October I would be lucky if I could run 20 miles let alone 50.

I struggled through the afternoon happy the run was over and not dealing with the panicky thoughts caused by the pain but still questioning just how I would get through this and if I could keep moving forward in this process.

Sunday I was to run a 10 miler but I was obviously pretty beat up physically and mentally going into the day. As the day went on I realized being a runner (I guess I am one of those now) the best strategy for me to solve problems is to go for a run, but what do you do when your problem is running. I decided to revisit a book I had read (listened to) awhile ago called "The Dip" it's a book about quitting and probably not what you are thinking, it actually encourages it. I got my running shoes on and loaded the book onto my ipod before heading out. The run was the best I have had in months, not because I wasn't in pain, not because it felt good but because I learned/remembered these lessons.

1. Never look into the future through the eyes of your current circumstances

We tend to look into our future and try and see what is possible through the eyes of today's circumstances and this kills dreams. If you are a "left brain" like me this is easy to do as we look for patterns in life and tend to build that pattern from our current circumstances. If I hurt right now running 20 miles I will be in even more pain trying to run 50. If I am exhausted in life and I try to give anymore I will be even more exhausted. The thing is we should never do this, we should only look backwards through the eyes of our current circumstances to understand that we are probably in a place we could have never imagined years ago (good or bad) and remember that things happened to get us where we are we could have never seen back at that point in time. The only thing we can count on is more of those unexpected things will occur in the future bringing us to a place we could never plan for. We should only look forward through the eyes of a dreamer and imagine all that can be possible even if we can't see the stepping stones that will get us across the river.

2. The quote "winners never quit and quitters never win" is total B.S.

Winners quit all the time they have to quit the things that are getting in the way of them accomplishing their real goal or focus, and know what and when it is right to quit. The quote wouldn't be as catchy but should read like this "Winners never quit anything that is worth while because it is difficult at the moment" So if quitting is an o.k. solution how do I know when and what I should quit? This is what the book walks you through and here is how I have simplified it in my mind.

If quitting is the easier solution then you should continue and if continuing is the easier solution then you should quit. It is easier to continue on at a "safe" dead end job then to quit and take the risk to find something better. It is easier to stay in a relationship that you know is not what you deserve then to quit and hurt the other person and have to start over. It is easier to quit a job that is difficult because you are fearful you will never become good at it then it is to continue on and find out for real. It is easier to quit a long term relationship with someone you love then to continue to put in hard work and give yourself to someone else to strengthen that relationship. A great tip is to decide in good times where your quitting line is that way you do not try to make that decision when you are in the stress of struggle.

3. I don't do endurance sports to avoid pain but to embrace it.

Lately I have been looking for ways to make my running less painful and more enjoyable and I need to remember if I am seeking pleasure and lack of pain there are allot of things I could be doing to accomplish that and running is not one of them. The reason I am attracted to endurance sports is because the winner is not the person who figures out how to avoid the pain but the one who learns to embrace and dare I say even thrive off of it. Life will send us many uncomfortable situations along our journeys and having confidence that you can not only survive in those moments but be your best in them is unmatchable. I am also confident that the Lord want's me to take on this challenge and I have to remind myself he knew what I was in for when I signed up even if I didn't and any pain and struggle that comes along with it he wanted me to go through and therefore I will not only get through it but embrace it.

Here is something I paraphrased about a year ago that was inspired from a quote I read from another runner, I think it illustrates point #3 well.

"My run doesn't start until The Beast shows up, I run not dreading The Beast but anticipating it, anxiously waiting for him excited to see what challenge he will bring and ready to wrestle through it. If we spend our lives trying to avoid The Beast we will not know how to handle him when he appears, and he WILL appear. Looking for The Beast, seeking it out is a way of training our souls to fight temptation and to build the confidence that when it shows up unexpectedly in our lives we will be prepared. Seek out The Beast, challenge yourself and be amazed at what you can accomplish.  

Needless to say my head is fixed I am ready to run my 50 miler and take on the challenges that will come along with it (at least for now).

Monday, August 26, 2013

Week #13 Recap (Hood to Coast)

Weekly Mileage: 22.87

Monday Rest Day

Tuesday Rest Day

Wednesday we were on vacation up on Mt. Hood but Beth and I wanted to get a few more miles in before the relay so we went for a short 3 mile run. It was pretty muggy and didn't feel super easy so neither of us felt great momentum going into the weekend.

Thursday Rest Day

Friday/Saturday was the Hood to Coast Relay for those of you that don't know it is the largest relay race in the world with over 12,000 runners it included teams from all 50 States and 39 Countries this year and I personally saw 2 Olympic Medalists before we even started the race. It spans from Mt. Hood to The Oregon Coast (198 miles) with each runner (teams of 12) completing 3 legs in a relay format so that someone is consistently running.

My first leg was just East of Sandy and after 2 miles of down hill with a pretty fierce headwind it turned upwards climbing some twisting back roads. I felt decent through the run until with about a mile and a half left a side cramp (which I never get) locked into my left side and never went away. The road was very uneven and I couldn't stretch out my left leg fully while running. I finished the 6.08 mile leg however at a 7:42 pace which was a bit faster than I had expected.

After our van of 6 finished our legs we passed the running on to van#2 and headed for some food and a quick shower. Luckily some friends running the relay with us happen to live right along the route. There was a bit of drama at the next major exchange point where both vans meet to pass the running back off to van#1 and the traffic had built up causing teams to struggle to even make it to the next check point in time to meet their driver. Luckily through some very offensive  driving and a keen sense of direction we avoided most of it and made it to our runner with about 5 minutes to spare.

I was pretty excited to start my second leg even though it was over 7 miles and not starting until about 10:30 at night. I had to run from Scappoose High School to St. Helens High School along Hwy 30, it was very dark and my head lamp must have been loosing it's charge because I could barely see a foot in front of myself. I did not enjoy my run very much as with it so dark I had to run slower just for safety (almost ran right into a few mailboxes) we were not aloud music and again the road was banked causing me some hip pain and tightness in the same spot I had the cramp from the first run. After what seemed like about 20 miles I actually finished the 7.68 mile leg at an average pace of 8:22.

After our van finished it's second legs we headed to a little town called "Mist" we quickly learned why when everything was wet around us and it constantly drizzled all night. We got there about 1:30 am and only had a few hours before we had to get up and run again. Beth and I slept in the van for about 3 hours and the rest of the team roughed it in the field with tarps and sleeping bags. We had a snafu as we had estimated the arrival time of our other van incorrectly and since there was no cell service we were actually at the exchange for about 30 minutes before we could connect and get our next runner on the road.

I got to watch our van finish their 3rd and final legs and was very inspired by everyone's resolve as I knew how hungry, tired and sore they all were but they got out there and put in the miles. I was especially moved to watch Beth as this was kind of a culmination of her declaring she wanted to do this 6 months or so ago and then training and completing it. I was so proud and impressed and could see the sense of satisfaction in her face after that last leg was done. She had just finished 17 + miles in 22 hours on little food and sleep after just less than a year earlier not being able to run 3 miles straight without stopping to walk. What a transformation, it goes to show you what anyone can accomplish when they put in the effort and stick with it.

I finally got to run my 3rd leg it was a 6+ miler with a large hill halfway through, I had allot of support from our team and others as I made my way up the hill (still not sure why I had to go up hill so much when I was traveling from the mountain to the beach) It was difficult but I was inspired to finish strong with all the support I had along the route and from watching my vanmates rock it out. I finished the 6.11 leg at an average pace of 7:37 (my fastest of all 3)

From there we got to drive to the beach and hit the party we got cleaned up and waited for our other van to arrive. As the last runner came towards the beach we were all allowed to join up with him and run across the finish line together. It was such a great experience, the people were great, the weather was perfect and we got to raise money for a amazing cause. Thank you to everyone who was a part of the experience.

Sunday Rest Day (Food-Food-Food)

Sunday, August 18, 2013

WEEK #12 RECAP (Light Week)

Weekly Mileage: 19.67

Monday Rest Day

Tuesday Rest Day (by Tuesday I felt pretty good after the heavy mileage of the previous weekend)

Wednesday my first run since the weekend went well, I took it very easy to test out the legs and got in 4.10 miles at a pace of 8:57, still felt a little fatigued but no pain or issues. I did this run at night and realized I enjoy running in the morning so much more than at night. The fresh cool air, empty stomach and lack of tiredness from the day make it so much easier to accomplish.

Thursday  Rest Day

Friday I went out in the morning and got in 5.56 miles at a 9:17 pace. Things felt good but I am not feeling as refreshed as I would like for how easy I have taken the week. I am going to play the next week or so by ear leading into Hood to Coast and get in my runs but not worry about the exact mileage so much in hopes to get refreshed before the weekly mileage really starts to pile up again.

Saturday Rest Day (we took the kids to the Clackamas County Fair as Beth didn't have to work until later that night it was nice to have a Saturday morning to enjoy with the family but I could feel that not running was definitely wearing on me and I was a "little" grouchy through out the day)

Sunday I went out for my long run of the week I planned out a 15 miler but ended it after 10. Physically I could have kept going but my calves and quads were feeling pretty tight and my right ankle had some pain. Again I am trying to stick with a strategy over the next week or so to really listen to my body and take it easy so I am prepared for the last month of heavy mileage leading into the race.

*I plan on mixing in some cross-training via P90X in the next couple of weeks to help strengthen my core and keep up my fitness while I give my legs a little bit of a rest with some lower mileage in hopes to feel ready for the push of September. That being said I am still on pace for my largest monthly mileage yet (by almost 20 miles) for the month of August.

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Week #11 recap (Heavy Week)

Weekly Mileage: 43.55

Monday Rest Day

Tuesday was my first run since the Self Marathon I ran on Saturday, I was feeling pretty rested and fresh going into the run. During the run I could feel a fatigue in my leg muscles but no real soreness or issues. I was hoping to get in about 7 miles but listened to my body and felt like it would be best if I cut it a little short. I ended up with 5.72 miles at a 9:15 pace.

Wednesday I could not get myself out of bed, I have been very short on sleep lately. I usually get between 5-6 hours and then can catch up with a nice 8-9 hour night on one of the weekend nights but because of our schedules and the length of my long runs lately I haven't had that "catch up" day in a few weeks. I thought maybe I could fit it in at night but that didn't work out either. I wasn't to upset as I thought it might be best to take this weeks runs a little lighter as I had some serious mileage coming up for the weekend.

Thursday I got out early (4am) and wanted to get a few miles in with a little more speed, I've noticed I can only stretch certain muscles at slower speeds but when I run faster I am able to get a deeper stretch. I got in 2.80 miles at a 7:59 pace before having to stop because of some stomach issues.

Friday Rest Day

Saturday was my long run day and the first opportunity for me to rack up some miles for my fund raiser (see the make a difference tab for details) The plan was to run a 6 mile loop around my neighborhood then head North to my friend Ian's house (12 miles away) then meet up with him and he would run back with me to my house for a total of 30 miles.

I started early and ran the 6 miles around my neighborhood feeling pretty good but sweating like crazy (think the humidity was extra high) I stopped at my house to refill my water bottles and change my shirt before heading out to Ian's. The next 12 miles were pretty difficult as it felt very long I think because I have run that route before but never with 6 miles already under my belt so I was feeling tired in spots I wasn't used to feeling tired in.

I arrived at Ian's house feeling pretty exhausted and not super excited about having 12 miles left. I ate some potatoes (thank you Mindy) and refilled my water bottles again before heading out with Ian by my side. Around 20 miles I really started to struggle I found it difficult to drink and run at the same time and it was getting warmer and warmer outside. I had to walk every time I needed a drink and by about mile 24 or so I was out of fluids again. I had to stop by a convenience store to buy more and filled up the water bottles again before continuing on.

Unfortunately things didn't get any easier by about mile 26 I had to keep stopping and walking in between running spurts and got to the point where I just didn't think I could run anymore (physically or mentally) I was expecting to feel pretty decent as last weekends 26 miles went relatively well, but I think the miles back to back really were wearing on me. I asked to borrow Ian's phone and decided to call Beth to meet me where the path met up with Sunnyside about a mile or so ahead. I called her twice and of course she didn't answer. This made me frustrated and I used that frustration to start running again.

Once I got to Sunnyside I got caught at a few crosswalks and realized it was so painful to be still I had to keep moving, not moving was more painful than moving. I pushed it a little harder and realized the faster I ran the less my legs hurt (cardio and energy wise) it was hard to run but I had to keep pushing to get it over with and keep the pain out of my legs. I ran mile 28 (which includes some hills) at a 9:30 pace and only stopped to walk the last big hill on Sunnyside heading up East to 122nd. After that hill I ran the rest of the way and even did a loop in the Church parking lot across from my house to make sure I would hit 30 miles before getting home.

All in all I averaged a pace of 9:56 which is much better than I thought with the intermittent walking mixed in there. I am very glad Beth did not answer her phone and that Ian was there to make sure I survived. I was in pretty bad shape when I got home I usually don't take ibuprofen because it can keep your body from going through its own recovery and rebuilding phases but I couldn't shovel them in my mouth fast enough when I walked in the door, I was pretty afraid of how I was going to feel when the adrenaline and movement stopped. I took a bath and quick shower and Beth let me lay on the couch for a 1/2 hour or so until the pills could kick in. After that I began to feel better and by night time was in relatively decent shape.

Sunday I had an opportunity to pile up a few more miles if I got out the door early before Church. I woke up sore but feeling pretty good and decided to use the run as a stretch since I was to sore or stiff to really stretch out on Saturday. I took off and felt better than I could have hoped for after about 200 yards, I was sore but not in pain and could tell the run was doing me good (I have really noticed when you are very sore from exercise the best thing to help you recover crazy as it may seem is... how would all the drinkers out there say it? oh yes "a little hair from the dog that bit you")

I was planning to get 10 miles in and felt pretty good through the first 4 but after that I could tell the run was starting to move out of a good stretch and into something that was going to continue to break down muscle fibers and make me even more sore or worse injured (plus I still have to go to work tomorrow) so I called it a day and we raised $475 for Compassion Internationals Water For Life Program. Thanks again to everyone that supported me (financially or in many other ways)

Sunday, August 4, 2013

week #10 recap

Weekly Mileage: 40.82

Monday Rest Day

Tuesday I ran 5.48 miles in the morning, I took it really easy at a pace of 9:36 per mile. I felt like my body was a little tired and tight from the 22 miler on the previous Saturday and I wanted to make sure I used the run as a good stretch and got myself prepared for the upcoming week.

Wednesday was a Trail run with Ian Durias, we connected that night and ran the Mt. Talbert trail near my house a 3 mile single track trail with 900ft of elevation. It was a great workout and running trails always helps to rejuvenate my love of running (there is something so pure about it) but I did hit the downhills pretty hard and was sore the next day for sure.

Thursday was another early morning run (about 8 hours after the trail run) I woke up stiff and sore from the trails so I used the run again to make sure I was good and stretched out for my weekend long run. I ended up getting in 6.04 miles at a pace of 8:53

Friday Rest Day

Saturday was my long run day (4 hours this week) I was a little nervous knowing this time would get me near the marathon distance give or take a mile and was not sure how I would do out on the road without aid stations or any real support. I decided to run from my house to I-205 and then follow the bike path north to the Springwater Trail and then follow that east to Gresham. I set up my sister-in-laws house (at the top of Towle/Eastman Parkway) to be my one make shift aid station and then I could run home.

It worked out pretty well, I started at 6:00am and felt decent for most of the run out to Gresham. I was just over 12 miles when I got to the base of Towle and had to run up to the top of the hill to get to the house. Thank goodness I knew there would be food and water waiting for me or that would have  been a very difficult climb. I stopped in to refill my water bottles and grab a piece of cheese and an apple before heading out again.

There is something about running down and back style long runs that make me feel like I'm done at the halfway point. When you turn around its like you made it to your destination and the rest of your run is just you going home, mentally it is much easier for me that way. The run home went pretty well I did start to get fatigued between miles 18-22 and did a bit of walking but around mile 24 I actually got a burst of energy. It looked like I would reach my house at just over 25 miles so since I was feeling good I decided to run a few laps around the church near my house to get to the Marathon distance.

I wasn't very sore that day after the run I had plenty of energy and when I woke up the next day I felt like I was about 80% and could have gone out for a light run without any major pains or issues. If you don't know I am doing all of this training on a plant based/vegetarian diet and believe the nutritionally dense food I am eating is helping with my energy level and especially my recovery.

Sunday Rest Day

* I have decided to not use the heart rate monitor anymore. I feel I have a great sense of where my pace is and what my body needs at the moment. There are times I feel like I should go fast and push the pace and there are other times I feel I need to take it slow get the miles in but make sure I don't get injured trying to keep a specific heart rate. I thought about only using it for my long runs as I still want to train my body to burn fat instead of sugar and make sure I don't run to hard to early leaving me without enough energy to finish the run, but I think the heart rate focus just gives me another thing to be concerned about on top of nutrition, hydration, form and not to mention just running.

So I am going to listen to my body and run faster when I feel like my body is calling for it and take it easy overall on the long runs and this will allow me to enjoy the run a little more as well.

*I also have changed my stretching a bit, I was very tight and had deep soreness through weeks 7-9 and I decided I was stretching to hard and not consistent enough so this last week I started stretching almost every night and briefly after my runs. I stretch very lightly and added in a short hip routine I found on YouTube for Ultra-Marathoners. So far this week the deep soreness is gone and I have felt much, much better.

PS. Next week is my fund raiser run if you have been thinking about getting involved but haven't contacted me yet or if you want to pass the info on to anyone else it's all laid out under the "make a difference tab" on this blog.

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Week #9 recap

Weekly Mileage: 34.48

Monday: Rest Day

Tuesday: Rest Day - I was supposed to run but had alarm issues and missed my run. I was pretty nervous about running as I had been sore since last week and was unsure how I would feel, but was still upset because I needed to get the miles in before the weekend.

Wednesday: I ran without the heart rate monitor so I could just try out the legs without worrying about pace or heart rate. I got 5.56 miles in at a pace of 8:24 but still felt very tight and sore.

Thursday: We were heading to the beach for a long weekend so I was only able to sneak in 2.55 miles  at an average pace of  8:34 again I felt very tight with deep muscle soreness. I have been spending extra time at night stretching but just can't seem to get my body to loosen up. I'm assuming its from the amount of miles I have been piling up but had hoped my light week last week would help me recover, if anything I felt like I got tighter even with the extra rest and shorter distances.

Friday: I decided to get in a few miles and hopefully build some confidence for my long Saturday run. I ran along the boardwalk at Seaside later in the day and got just over 4 miles in at a 7:49 pace. I still felt tight but did feel better and I think the warm weather and faster pace helped me loosen up a bit.

Saturday: was my long run day (3 1/2 hours) I took off about 7am and planned on coming back to our rental about 2 hours in to refill my water bottles and grab another gel. The run started off o.k. But quickly became daunting. I realized the boardwalk was only 1.5 miles from end to end and that I may go insane running that same stretch about 17 times give or take so I headed for the beach. The mistake I made was going to the beach in an area with a lot of soft sand this made for an interesting experience as the sand came in my shoes and attached to the Vaseline on my toes (it helps avoid blisters) I was only a few miles in and realized it would be a miracle if my feet could make it through 3 more hours of running with sand stuck in between my toes.

After about an hour the run became mentally challenging I wasn't feeling great and all I could think about was that I still had 2 1/2 hours of running left. I gutted out another hour wanting to quite many times and then headed for the rental house to refuel. I'm not sure if it was the short break or seeing the family but after about a 5 minute stop I was off again and feeling pretty good. I started alternating my route from the boardwalk to the beach and was running much faster over the next hour then in the previous 2. Things were going pretty well until about 3 hours in (right at mile 19) there is something about mile 19 where you just want to weep you may not even be hurting but mentally and spiritually you have fought with yourself to keep going and something inside finally gives in.

I was feeling pretty spent when an older guy caught up to me and had some encouraging words. He said "how's it going" and told me good job and then mentioned that my form looked great (which at mile 19 I can only believe was a complete lie) he asked how my run was going and how long I had been out there I told him I just hit 19 and he said oh good. Then he paused looked at me strangely and said 19 minutes or 19 miles? I said miles. He asked if I was training for something and we began talking and running together, he told me he is in his early 60's and was in town from Las Vegas. He runs 10k's and half marathons mostly (over 450 all time) we ran together for almost 2 miles before he was done, but it was a great distraction and very uplifting right when I needed it.

I thought things would just finish up without much excitement the rest of the way (and I really wish they had) but just after mile 21 a lone seagull starting screeching and dive bombed right for my head. I ducked quickly with the little energy I had left and strained my neck in the process. The bird kept circling and making the horrible noise so I changed directions and and got out of there. Now the thing is that act of ducking from a crazy bird might normally take a unnoticeable amount of energy but when your 200 minutes into a 210 minute run it pretty much uses up everything you have left. Fortunately I was able to finish the run and got in 22.29 miles at an average pace of 9:23 (not bad for at least half of it being on the sand)

All in all it went well I suppose it was a challenge and an adventure and that's why I do this type of stuff. I hope next week I am healthy enough to do it again (minus the bird)

Sunday: Rest Day

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Week #8 Recap (Light Week)

Weekly Mileage: 22.06

Monday Rest Day

Tuesday Rest Day

Wednesday was an early morning run in Zone 2 and it felt pretty average. I got in 5.7 miles at an average pace of 8:57

Thursday was my first Tempo Run in 5 weeks so I was excited to see if their was any progression. I was happy with the results, below are the splits from week 3 compared to this week.

Week #3          Week #8
9:01                         8:23
6:52                        6:31
7:50                        7:11
8:31                        8:34

Friday I was supposed to do another 5/6 miler in Zone 2 but felt I really needed the extra sleep and rest. I was disappointed as this is the first workout I have missed in 8 weeks but felt like I needed to listen to my body and take the extra rest especially on my light week.

Saturday Rest Day

Sunday was my long run day it was supposed to be 2 hours. I took off early in the morning and the weather was great but I never could get a good rhythm going. I didn't feel sore, tired or tight but for some reason my form felt off and I never got into a flow that felt easy. I finished with just over 12 miles at an average pace of 9:13 but in the very last stretch I felt a very sharp pain in my lower right leg (the type of pain that makes you curse out loud) I was still able to run on it but all day it has been lingering and when I step a specific way the sharp stab comes back.

I will take some ibuprofen tonight and do some stretches to see if I can't get it to work itself out before my run on Tuesday. I have been pretty lucky up to this point as far as injuries but I have some serious mileage coming up over the next 3 weeks and can't afford to not be able to run on it. Fingers crossed and prayers sent!

Friday, July 19, 2013


Do you ever wonder how Elite Athletes have the discipline to be so consistent with their training programs?

Do you struggle to get out of bed in the morning and get up and workout? Do you find that you're great at convincing yourself why you should take the day off?

Listen to this conversation between two of the fittest humans on earth discuss how they have the same problem and make a note of their tips on how to get in the right mindset and overcome the issue.

Podcast #37

Step #1 Click the link above
Step#2  Push Play on Podcast #37
Step #3 Fast Forward to 1:08:30 (it's about 3 minutes long)

*sorry I couldn't make it easier but Blogger doesn't allow you to attach audio files.

Sunday, July 14, 2013

WEEK #7 RECAP (Heavy Week)

Weekly Mileage: 42.15

Monday Rest Day (Ab workout at night)

Tuesday I slept in and decided to run at night, this was not a good decision. It was muggy out that night and when 8:30pm came along I was not in the mood to run. They say sometimes just getting out the door is the hardest part unfortunately this was not one of those times. My legs felt very heavy and the run was sluggish I don't think my body was quite recovered from the 19 miler on the previous Saturday. I finished 4.85 miles at a pace of 8:33 and was happy to be done but knew I had to get up in 7 hours and do my next run.

Wednesday came early as I had trouble falling asleep after that late night run and only got about 5 hours of sleep.Today was supposed to be my speed work day so I ran 4.06 miles in a "Tempo" style, this is where you run fast almost sprint speeds for short durations (1/4 or 1/2 mile in my case) and then jog for the same distance then repeat. This went well overall and I averaged a pace of 7:59 and then got another Ab workout in that night.

Thursday I was not excited about another early morning since my legs had been feeling heavy and sure enough the run was difficult. My body doesn't seem to want to recover from that last long run but it had better get on the program because my "will" is not going to wait around for my legs to catch up. It's a mental struggle when a 5 mile run feels difficult and you start thinking how am I ever going to run 50. I try my best to not think about those things run-to-run and just worry about getting in the miles. I finished the run getting in 4.16 miles at an average pace of 8:39 and a little nervous for my 3 hour Saturday Run.

Friday Rest Day

Saturday I drove down to the Eastbank Esplanade to get in my 3 hour run. The views were great and the route gave you allot to look at (It is Portland) but once again my legs felt heavy from the first miles. I enjoyed the run overall and pushed through the heavy legs and minor aches and pains to finish 19.05 miles at an average pace of 9:32. I was glad it was over but very nervous about Sunday's run. This is my heavy week it falls every 4 weeks where I do a long run on Saturday and then a shorter but still long run on Sunday. I wasn't sure how I was gonna feel or even accomplish Sunday's 90 minute run, but that is the idea of the training. In a 50 mile race you will inevitably be running on tired hurting legs and you need to have confidence that you can make it to the finish and assurance that your not doing serious damage to yourself.

Sunday's run started pretty good, I had felt very stiff and had many nagging pains after the Saturday run but as soon as I started on Sunday my legs actually felt better running then they had felt hobbling around the house for the last 18 hours. It was pretty warm out and I did not bring enough water but overall I kind of just zoned out and didn't have any struggles until about the last 2 miles. I finished 10.03 with an average pace of 9:11 and a little more confidence that even when things are daunting you just have to jump in and see if you can swim.